bill beaver


five years ago

a day like this
without breathe or
reason to be
my last renter
came to get the junk trailer
he left in my back yard
was mad at me cause
I threatened to sell it
I didn't help
was sitting inside feeling
bad, strange
the night before woke up
my lungs had collapsed
couldn't sleep
lying down

had gone to a dance
reunion of a band
called The Dusty Chaps
everyone kicking-up dust
dancing the polka, not that Polish stuff
I knew in Cleveland
Solon Polka
but Southwest
dancers moving counterclockwise
direction of mathematical
and spiritual

I couldn't dance
felt exhausted
Rita sd
"Are you out of shape!"
th Chaps
they were popular in the seventies
sang thr big hit
"It's 110 in Gila Bend
In Buckeye it's 102
Summer's here & now's th time
To fuck you like a crazed horny toad!"

or something like that

I had pneumonia
sick for six months
two years after that
every winter
coughing till I choked
finally has gone away
but weakened, yes
on days like today
can feel it
deep in my chest

this last weekend
my next door neighbor
died in her house
of a heart attack
was found the next afternoon
by a friend
she was watching TV
this weekend her
sixtieth birthday
had slowly become
acquainted she
inspired me to begin a garden
by her yard full of flowers

I wonder
what show she was watching
what bright lights
flickering over cooling skin
flashing in blank eyes
I remember a line
by Jeff Filipski
"does death do dirt dance"
& I say
it does
twice around
trampled ground
a two step
a waltz
in three quarter time
a little chicken scratch kick
& a puff of dust
for all our choking lungs



here we go

here we go
city can't breathe
one hundred degrees
still grey air
mountains sink to haze
ozone warning
if you are difficult
have difficulties
stay inside




found a new restaurant, El Sabroso
Mexican Grill
can sit on the porch
& dream a playa
across the street
Pat's Chili Dogs
world famous
even has a doctoral dissertation
written about it
for me
an earlier time
good then like now
now is a fish
wrapped in tin foil
onions, mushrooms, tomato slices
all covered in achiote
dark red like fresh blood
made from chilies, orange juice but not hot
sour all baked together
I like complex
no sound bite
monkey mind chatter
bored to taste to tears too
much dumbed down food
this & camarrones & posole
& warm corn tortillas
textures woven
feathered like a cloud
a beggar
in soiled pants
has the same story
as last week
"needs gas money"
realizes he's seen us
turns away in disgust
not Mexico
not the beach
if we were in Mexico
would be drinking tequilla



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Angela's Fashion
Angela's Fashion


Old One at Dawn
Old One at Dawn
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Bill Beaver
Bill Beaver lives in Tucson, AZ w/two dogs amid the ruins of a 100 year-old house. His biggest ambition in life is NOT to become a bag lady.

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