Catfish McDaris



A fuckwad is

The wad of cloth
rammed down a rifle
before the lead
ball is loaded
to kill the last buffalo
in the last herd

A bundle of clothes
packed before a trip
to Bumfuck, Egypt

The cloth used to clean
the car Kennedy rode
in in Dallas

The rag used to wipe
the blood from van Gogh's
cheek after he sliced
off half his ear

The rag Picasso used
to clean his paint brushes
after he finished the
Blue Guitar Player

The dishonorable discharge
of Walt Disney

The rag used in Idaho
after Hemingway sucked
on his shotgun

The rags used to wipe
the dripping diseased
dicks of Paul Gauguin
and Al Capone

The hide used by Sitting
Bull's scouts to send
smoke signals that
Custer was in position
to be slaughtered

The cloth used to clean
the oven after Sylvia
Plath was done

The blanket Lorca's body
was wrapped in after
he was murdered

Che's beret when they
found him in Bolivia

The turban of Osama bin Laden

The towel used to clean
a hard fucked cunt

And that's where
it all started.


     I have been writing for ten years. Published lately in Slipstream, Chiron Review, and LA-REVIEW, I have also been nominated for the Pushcart Prize 15 times, but never won. I am currently a postal worker in Milwaukee and a bricklayer. I am from New Mexico, but moved to Wisconsin 25 years ago. I read often and have won many slams. I read at Ginsberg’s farm in Cherry Valley three summers ago, with all the beatniks left alive. I am also contributing editor of LSR (formerly Latino Stuff Review) and I am also contributing editor of Shrimp! I am married to a Mexican lady and have a 14 year old daughter.


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