carter monroe



yeah, the kicks and slaps awakened me
the mafioso leg weights are removed
the glory's still out there
whether you see it or not

a sellout, you say
buk didn't do it
i ain't gonna do it
either way, you don't give a fuck

the noise and the lights
don't bother me now
i'm rebuilding, resurrecting
protecting that tiny ember of remaining soul

i'll go against the grain
i'll find the crack in the scale
i'll relearn how to think and see
I'll do it for myself just like before

my guardian ghosts will protect me
the spirits of monk and jack hovering
bird and bud no longer needing poison
otis and don rich high five-ing behind me

if real's what there is
i'll take it and run
i'll score the winning touchdown and laugh,
i’ll thank the offensive line and give them the credit

after all, brooding's for goddamn chickens


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Parallel Enigmas
Parallel Enigmas

Carter Monroe with Eric C. Harrison

Third Lung Press

carter monroe

     Carter Monroe lives, works, and writes in the provinces. His novel, Journey, was published in January 2001. He participated in a conspiratorial effort with Robert Canipe and Tim Peeler entitled Writers on the Storm. Both of these books can be purchased at most major book chains as well as the traditional internet outlets. Recent poems and stories have appeared in Poems Niederngasse, Poethia, Third Lung Review, Thunder Sandwich, The Americana Poetry Consortium, Lost and Found Times, and The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature.

• Sitting in With the Sun review by Jim Chandler Thunder Reviews •
"Sitting in with the Sun" available at Rank Stranger Press

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