Maura Gage


Discoveries in Scarlet

As water lilies link,
our mouths join;
kisses and smiles hook us.
We dance connected;
it is a fairy tale,
a spell, a dream,
a promise, a hope,
magical kisses.
Maniacal dancing--
his magnetic eyes.
A strobe-light madness;
passion, pleasant scents
mingling; new lovers
connected together in a crowd
easily ignored--
as fingers and hands trace
each other's lines or curves,
movements towards a fate
she recognizes early on
and he sees, too, now.
There is no terror in this--
only peace smooth as
turquoise; then all is hot
as magenta between them,
the heat deep and abiding;
they are wrapped
in a scarlet moment,
burning, the sparks between
them palpable;
and they are alone
soon, diving into love's
churning sea,
afloat on waves,
tossed into moonlight
and saltwater,
dramatic storms
overpowering them--
then the rage of excitement,
a dramatic satisfaction,
a sensual slumber;
they fall into the deepest part
of the lake of lust and love.


Leaping away from His Ice

Cold creeps all around her
like some strange, faint fog
that numbs fingers and toes,
seeps deep into the bones.
Sky so blue and white with stretched
faint sunlight belies the feeling
of frost and need for fire.
As if dancing across a tightrope, she
feels fierce and alive as she moves
away from the chill, spinning carefully
but confidently in perfect, tight turns.
Now she leaves the tightrope.
Her dance shakes away the ice
of knowing how he made
her world cold and hard,
betrayed her, lied about and to her,
created mayhem and sorrow--
the loss of him somehow
freeing her--and she the creator
of this dance she never knew--
free now is she to laugh and run
away from his cruel touch
and into the arms of kindness,
the path in front of her
strung soft pearls, glowing
like little moons to guide
her newest steps
that lead her into dance.


Screaming into the Abyss

Energy like purple jewels shimmers after
the inescapable knowledge of betrayal, the pain real.
Sun still comes down through the sorrow,
dancing in its waves of light across the fields.
Destruction of a marriage leaps into her life like a
tiger that haunted her heels for months before
it bared the gleaming of its angry teeth so white,
like the seafoam that seems to be endlessly churning
and insists on frothing forth no matter the cost.
Who holds the fate of such a once-happy girl?
Secrets shared are tainted now that his cruel
forest of lies has been run down, knocked into a
line like fallen trees, each one spilling over
meets another and displays all on a screen--
his dives not only into the ocean run
gray and frazzled as she, miles away,
screams into the abyss of his empty soul,
gazes at the black and white truth of him,
the sky above him mirroring his false face,
white clouds spilling across it like death.
Gravely he continues with his fun,
tears on her face and pillow no concern to him
as he races to anywhere he chooses,
surprised she found out and only
tiny pangs of fear eeking into his heart.
Catching her breath over and over again she
runs and dashes about the house, this new
world of hers locking his betraying self out.

Iced Over

The landscape of her mind runs
tragic as a river of blood cuts through
its frozen ground. She walks over the ice anyway,
nothing but bare trees to guide her through
her pain, the hurt centuries old, it seems,
and yet so sudden, like catching one's breath,
the intense breathing, pain in the throat, and time, as
famous wise words promise, should
heal all, and yet she feels hers is beyond healing,
the wounds open and raw even six months later.
The sheets of ice coat windows to other thoughts so that
love lost is the only idea to paint her landscape.
Each reflection that might have been
in the pane is shut out with the frosted
glass, her husband's illicit affairs haunting her,
so that she must close doors, lock them tight,
keep him out, out, out, as the haunting of her
marriage and all that should have been
leaves her so pale she is a ghost of herself,
and wispy-thin now. Separation now
six months old. Still young enough to find love,
to keep her house in order, she finds hope
in the corners of her dreams
and her nearly transparent heart.
All the late night fears and suspicions
turned all too real, the white frost
not hiding the truth of his recent past
nor more remote pursuits.
The clock races past midnight
as she lingers in the frozen landscape
of her mind and the deep dark blackness
he put there, the cold he created inescapable.

maura gage


     Maura Gage is an Associate Professor of English at Louisiana State University at Eunice. She is also editor of The Louisiana Review. She has lived all over--Pennsylvania, Colorado, Florida, South Carolina, and, for the past four years, in Louisiana in a small town just a few exits west of Lafayette. She is a big fan of

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